Director, John W. Morehead
John W. Morehead is the Director of Multifaith Matters. He is the co-editor and contributing author for A Charitable Orthopathy: Christian Perspectives on Emotions in Multifaith Engagement, and Encountering New Religious Movements: A Holistic Evangelical Approach, and the editor of Beyond the Burning Times: A Pagan and Christian in Dialogue. John has also provided expertise to the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization issue group on "The Church and the New Spiritualities." He has been involved for many years in multifaith relationships and conversations in the contexts of Islam, Mormonism, Paganism, Satanism and others. His ongoing research in interreligious conflict involves bringing social psychology and neuroscience into conversation with a theology of love of religious neighbors. Areas of interest include emotions and orthopathy, the psychology of trust building, and the cognitive science and biocultural study of religion.

Rev. Carrie Graham
Rev. Carrie Graham is the pastor and founder of The Church Lab, which explores innovative paths to spiritual maturity while helping the Church find her future. The central activity of The Church Lab has emerged as a dialogical community amongst traditions on the right and left. Increasingly The Church Lab is taking on consultations and incubators for institutions exploring faithful ways to serve God as the American religious landscape changes. Graham also cares for 20 pastors across Central Texas by facilitating care and leadership development for 2 support cohorts, one for Macedonian Ministry and one for Mission Presbytery. Graham holds an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary and cofounded the Evangelical Interfaith Dialogue Journal.

David Sang-Ehil Han
Dr. David Han is the Dean of the Faculty at Pentecostal Theological Seminary (PTS) and is also involved in teaching at the institution as Professor of Theology and Pentecostal Spirituality and the Ray H. Hughes, Sr., Professor of Evangelism. Besides his educational vocation at PTS, Dr. Han is involved in the work of publication, serving as the Publisher for Aldersgate Press and serves on the Board of Directors for its sponsoring organization, the Wesleyan-Holiness Connection. Dr. Han is also a co-editor of the Studies in the Holiness and Pentecostal Movements series (Penn State University Press). Dr. Han’s forthcoming publication includes the edited volumes, Christian Hospitality and Neighborliness in Wesleyan-Pentecostal Tradition (CPT Press) and Holiness and Pentecostal Movements: Intertwined Pasts, Presents, and Futures (Penn State University Press). With his aspiration to promote the work of Christian unity, Dr. Han has been an integral part of Global Christian Forum since 2002 and currently serves on its central committee.

Paul Louis Metzger
Dr. Paul Louis Metzger (Ph.D.) is the Founder and Director of The Institute for Cultural Engagement: New Wine, New Wineskins and Professor of Christian Theology & Theology of Culture at Multnomah University and Seminary. Dr. Metzger is also the editor of New Wine’s journal Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture. Integrating theology and spirituality with cultural sensitivity stands at the center of Dr. Metzger’s ministry vision. He and his wife, Mariko, a native of Japan, have been active in intercultural ministry in churches in the States, Japan, and England.

Mark Shetler
Mark Shetler serves as the Executive Pastor of River City Christian in Sacramento, CA and has a passion for cross-cultural ministry in both local and global contexts. For the last decade, Mark has led his congregation in responding to the complex needs of the refugee and immigrant population resettling in their city, with a focus on developing Christ-honoring friendships and invitations to spiritual conversations. Under his leadership, the church has also engaged the broader Muslim community by providing opportunities for multi-faith experiences such as their annual iftar celebration at a local mosque in which hundreds of Muslim neighbors are served by the congregation. Mark and his wife Melissa have facilitated several internships programs for church members who want to better understand Islam and to build bridges with the Muslim community. He has also traveled extensively overseas to explore Muslim culture and to serve refugee populations. Mark’s undergraduate work was in Organizational Communications and he earned a MA in Theology from Fuller Seminary.

Phil Wyman - In Memoriam
Phil Wyman passed away over Memorial Day weekend in 2023 while waiting to take the stage to perform musically at a local pub. He was a pastor, author, musician, songwriter, poet, wannabe philosopher, creator of interactive "blank canvas social art." He was also the general instigator in a movement looking to become a revolution of Christians establishing micro-churches in festivals in the US and UK. As a pastor of 32 years, he spent 18 years as the pastor of The Gathering in Witch City (Salem, Massachusetts). He spent his life traveling full time, speaking, and ministering in festivals and destinations like Haunted Happenings in Salem, Burning Man, Glastonbury, and Rainbow Gatherings. He is the author of Burning Religion, Love Big or Go Home, spoke Welsh, and spent his last year living out his dream by moving to Wales where he hoped to walk cross country befriending others and engaging in spiritual conversations..