
Multifaith Matters is powered by generosity.

Your partnership provides the financial resources to accomplish great things so desperately needed in our post-Christendom, post-9/11, pluralistic world, including:

· Creating podcasts and videos of discussions to add to our resource library.

· Producing short films telling the stories of churches loving their multifaith neighbors like our RiverCity Christian film.

· Facilitating diplomacy dinners bringing Christian communities and members of other religions together for Heart and Mind conversations.

· Developing educational materials for use in seminaries and churches.

· Partnering in our research with the behavioral sciences so that a conversation with a theology of multifaith engagement can lead to measurable strategies to reduce conflict and prejudice.

Hosting conferences that equip pastors, missionaries, peacemakers, and laypeople.


Your contribution is 100% tax deductible through the Foundation for Religious Diplomacy and its Evangelical Chapter. EIN  87-0657339.