Two new reviews available
Two reviews of mine are now available in Cultural Encounters, and both relate to one of the most pressing issues and challenges facing American evangelicals today.
The first is a review of Matthew Kaemingk's book Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2018. Avoiding the problems of the responses of conservatives and liberals, Kaemingk articulates a much-needed theology and ethic for evangelicals in relation to Muslims. Read that review here.
The second is a review of the film Same God, which tells the story of Larycia Hawkins and her conflict with Wheaton College over "embodied solidarity" with Muslim women. That conflict is symptomatic of evangelical identity concerns in relation to Islam and syncretism in a post-9/11 world. You can read that review here.
My thanks goes to Paul Louis Metzger and Cultural Encounters for their permission to share these reviews.