Article contribution at Fuller-Studio on emotions and anti-Muslim sentiments

In August 2017 I participated in a consultation on evangelicals and Islamophobia held at Calvin Theological Seminary. One of the outcomes of that gathering was a collection of articles addressing various facets of evangelical encounters with Muslims that can be found at Fuller Studio. I have an article there titled "The Neglected Study of Emotions in Islamophobia and Multi-Faith Engagement." Here's the opening paragraph:

Years ago in some of my early research and reflection on interfaith dialogue I came across an article by Terry Muck. In the essay he defines dialogue in various ways, including as, “…an emotion or attitude toward people of other religious traditions.” It is also his view “the affective dimension has been shortchanged.” This emotional and attitudinal perspective has stuck with me, and I have worked to explore what this means for interfaith dialogue, or in my preferred and strategic terminology, multi-faith engagement. Increasingly I believe Muck was right. Evangelicals in America and the broader Western world[iv] tend to focus on orthodoxy, and to a lesser extent, orthopraxy, in multi-faith engagement, but precious little has been done by way of orthopathy—the “right” passions and emotions. I believe the emotional aspects of evangelical multi-faith engagement have significant implications for how we “do theology” and praxis, and that accounting for this sheds light on important challenges and questions related to evangelical views and behaviors in regards to those in other religions.

You can read the entire article here. If you find it helpful please consider sharing it in social media.

John Morehead